Betty Kyalo at Flair by Betty


We are living in a give and take world.

There is no such thing as something for nothing.” Napoleon Hill

To answer some of life’s’ most difficult questions, we decided to ask ourselves these questions. Why are some people so happy? Why are some people so rich? What are they doing that some of us are not doing? Why is it that the opposite is true? We needed to understand what it is these people were doing differently. We needed to know why we are living worlds apart.

We embarked on a study to understand how the universe works, and the forces behind the successes, happiness, and challenges around us. Remember, “There is no such thing as something for nothing.”


What should we offer in return for what we desire to have?

Life is so interesting; it was designed to give you everything you deserve as long as you remain committed to giving something in return. Work tirelessly and diligently on your goals.

Any goal, big or small is achievable. Take time and choose your goals wisely. You cannot be one hundred percent correct, and you cannot also be one hundred percent wrong. There is always room to better our very best.


We learn and grow through our own mistakes and through the risks that we take. The people who do not learn are those who do not take risks or make mistakes.

Setting your goals straight will enable you to work on your most important tasks, and protect you from working on the things that do not contribute to your success or move you towards achieving your desired results. There are those things that matter and there are those that do not matter.

A WIN IS ALL YOU NEED. Play the game of life to WIN.

Go after those things that matter most.

The Big Question. What do you intend to give in return for what you desire to have? Life is a journey, and on this particular journey, everything has its own price tag. We have a price for success and a price for failure.

Life was designed this way, ask yourself this question. What am I willing to give in return? Remember the wise words of Napoleon Hill, “There is no such thing as something for nothing.”

We have been told times without number that the universe was designed to support each and every one of us. We have been able to learn that man has a greater responsibility to create the circumstances that will allow the universe to support him/her in realizing the desired success.

Here is a list of businesses you can start to make extra income

We are living in good times, we have so much information at our disposal, in books, tapes, articles, and recordings. Therefore, it is our responsibility to take advantage of every opportunity that comes our way.

How do we do this?

We must start by doing the things that we do not like to do. The things that make us feel uncomfortable. The things that stretch us. We must learn to wake up early, we must improve on our knowledge, we must improve on our communication skills, we must work on our relationships and we must change how think. Start right now.

Think! Think! Think!

Start enjoying the price for success.


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