  IT’S A GIVE AND Betty Kyalo at Flair by Betty TAKE WORLD.  SEMKEN20    December 13, 2020    1 Comment    8     3 minute read Home Opinion IT’S A GIVE AND TAKE WORLD. We are living in a give and take world. “ There is no such thing as something for nothing.” Napoleon Hill To answer some of life’s’ most difficult questions, we decided to ask ourselves these questions. Why are some people so happy? Why are some people so rich? What are they doing that some of us are not doing? Why is it that the opposite is true? We needed to understand what it is these people were doing differently. We needed to know why we are living worlds apart. We embarked on a study to understand how the universe works, and the forces behind the successes, happiness, and challenges around us. Remember, “There is no such thing as something for nothing.” STOP COUNTING ON OTHERS. START DOING THINGS YOURSELF. What should we offer in return for what we desire to have? Life is so interesting; it was designed to give you

Depression can be won. Follow me and find out how.


Depression can be won.

In this section, we are going to discuss and answer the following questions.


What is depression?


What are the causes of depression?


What are the preventive measures for depression?


So many cases of depression are being reported on daily basis, not only from Africa but also in other regions.


Life is often full of ups and downs, and when a person remains down for a long time, they end up fallen prey to this killer illness, called depression.


The question most people are asking;


What is depression?


According to the American Psychiatric Association, "Depression is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think, and how you act."


In simple terms, Depression is a disorder that causes a persistent feeling of unhappiness, loss of energy, and feeling worthlessness.


The idea is to seek help from friends and family members, and specifically from those that you trust. You can also seek 


Did you know that Kenya is now ranked the sixth country in Africa with the largest number of depression cases? This was according to the mental health report released in June 2020 by the World Health Organization.

An undisclosed source states that up to an average of 800 cases of depression is reported and handled on a weekly basis at Mathare hospital in Nairobi county alone. What about the remaining 46 counties? This is the question that can only be answered by the ministry of health. Let see some of the causes of depression.


What are the causes of depression?


Persistent health issues.

Chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, and arthritis has sent the majority of people into depression.


Kenya has the highest number of middle-class income earners, most of whom cannot afford the high cost of healthcare services.


The expensive cost of medical insurance cover has also pushed Kenyans to live in constant fear. I must also bring to your attention that so many poor Kenyans have lost their lives while trying to seek medical attention which they were never given for lack of finances.


Most Kenyans are living from hand to mouth, basically, what this means is that they are relying on a day's work to give them just enough money for the day's food. We must put into consideration that the main cause of depression is the lack of proper income.

 Living in denial

Depression is always looking for a place to land. You become a soft spot for depression when you are living denial. You know exactly how much you are making at the end of each day or month, but you still insist on living far beyond your means, and you end up borrowing in order to support your lifestyle. This is suicidal, you will be digging your own grave.

 Negative and toxic relationships.

Most cases of depression are caused by negative and toxic relationships. Couples fights and children-parents’ standoffs are caused by so much of unresolved issues in a relationship. Parents must constantly talk to their children about getting involved in relationships that are overly demanding.

 Too much consumption of alcohol and use drugs.


Most of the time we think that taking alcohol when we are faced with a difficult situation can solve our problems, which is never true. Excessive drinking of alcohol and misuse of drugs may make a person feel better for a short period of time but can cause depression over time.



The following are some of the simple treatment for depression


 Regular Exercise


20 to 30 minutes daily physical workout increases the production of endorphins in your body. Endorphin is the hormones responsible for mood improvement. Also, get involved in other activities, do something you are passionate about.

 Reach out to friends and family


Try and talk to someone you can trust concerning your situation. The secret of this is that you will feel like something has dropped off your shoulder.

 Seek treatment


From the above definition, depression is a mental illness that requires you to seek medical attention. My advice is, get treatment at the early stages to prevent depression from moving from bad to worst.

 Get enough sleep


Sleep has something to do with your moods. In most cases when we start to feel fatigued and sad, it is because we are not having enough sleep. Sleep is what cools you off from a busy day.



A balanced diet is good for both mental and physical health. In small quantities, a well-balanced diet will keep your energy levels high and make you more productive throughout the day, as well as minimize your mood swings. Avoid sugary foods by all means.


Thank you, I hope this information will be of great help to someone.


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