  IT’S A GIVE AND Betty Kyalo at Flair by Betty TAKE WORLD.  SEMKEN20    December 13, 2020    1 Comment    8     3 minute read Home Opinion IT’S A GIVE AND TAKE WORLD. We are living in a give and take world. “ There is no such thing as something for nothing.” Napoleon Hill To answer some of life’s’ most difficult questions, we decided to ask ourselves these questions. Why are some people so happy? Why are some people so rich? What are they doing that some of us are not doing? Why is it that the opposite is true? We needed to understand what it is these people were doing differently. We needed to know why we are living worlds apart. We embarked on a study to understand how the universe works, and the forces behind the successes, happiness, and challenges around us. Remember, “There is no such thing as something for nothing.” STOP COUNTING ON OTHERS. START DOING THINGS YOURSELF. What should we offer in return for what we desire to have? Life is so interesting; it was designed to give you




Times are changing so fast, and we must adjust to the ever-changing times. The number one way to change your world is by changing your association.


Change the people you are around. The idea here is, if you want to change your thinking and eventually your life, make a decision now to start associating, in every aspect of your life, with people whom you admire, respect, and look up to.


Decide right now to associate yourself with people whom you enjoy being around and from whom you can learn and grow. The point here is to learn and grow.


When you surround yourself with the right people, you will never be frightened to take big risks.


Our ability to learn and grow is rooted in the relationships that we keep.


At our Workplaces, we must ensure that we socialize only with the big minds. The good news is that we know all these people. The question is, why then do we spend so much time with people who do not add any value to our lives.?


During tea and lunch breaks, share the same table with the kind of people that will challenge your knowledge and understanding of how you view life.


Set goals and standards for every relationship that you get into.

When you desire change, you have to do whatever it takes to get there. “There is no such thing as free lunch.” You have to work for it.



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