
Showing posts from July, 2020
  IT’S A GIVE AND Betty Kyalo at Flair by Betty TAKE WORLD.  SEMKEN20    December 13, 2020    1 Comment    8     3 minute read Home Opinion IT’S A GIVE AND TAKE WORLD. We are living in a give and take world. “ There is no such thing as something for nothing.” Napoleon Hill To answer some of life’s’ most difficult questions, we decided to ask ourselves these questions. Why are some people so happy? Why are some people so rich? What are they doing that some of us are not doing? Why is it that the opposite is true? We needed to understand what it is these people were doing differently. We needed to know why we are living worlds apart. We embarked on a study to understand how the universe works, and the forces behind the successes, happiness, and challenges around us. Remember, “There is no such thing as something for nothing.” STOP COUNTING ON OTHERS. START DOING THINGS YOURSELF. What should we offer in return for what we desire to have? Life is so interesting; it was designed to give you


Michael Joseph takes over from Nicholas Ng’ang’a who has served as Safaricom PLC board chairman for 13 good years.    The incoming Safaricom Board Chairman Michael Joseph (left) and the outgoing         Chairman Mr. Nicholas Ng'ang'a (right) Many people do not know much about the newly appointed Safaricom chairman Mr. Michael Joseph. Michael Joseph is a South African national, who first came to the limelight when he was appointed the first CEO of Safaricom, in the year 2000. Michael Joseph served as the CEO of Safaricom from July 2000 to 2010, before Bob Collymore took over as the Company’s second CEO. Before Michael Joseph joined Safaricom, he was Director of Mobile Money at Vodafone Group Services Limited. Michael Joseph was at the helm of Safaricom for ten years, and during his successful tenure as the CEO of Safaricom, he steered Safaricom PLC from 16000 thousand subscribers to over a 16million subscribers. I believe we will all agree that Michael Joseph has over the years

Depression can be won. Follow me and find out how.

  Depression can be won. In this section, we are going to discuss and answer the following questions.   What is depression?   What are the causes of depression?   What are the preventive measures for depression?   So many cases of depression are being reported on daily basis, not only from Africa but also in other regions.   Life is often full of ups and downs, and when a person remains down for a long time, they end up fallen prey to this killer illness, called depression.   The question most people are asking;   What is depression?   According to the American Psychiatric Association, "Depression is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think, and how you act."   In simple terms, Depression is a disorder that causes a persistent feeling of unhappiness, loss of energy, and feeling worthlessness.   The idea is to seek help from friends and family members, and specifically from those

Lessons from the “Day I walked to work.”

WHY YOU NEED A WELL-DEFINED GOAL   Lessons from the “Day I walked to work.”   Goals are as important as the process by which we breathe. The number one reason for saying this is because; GOALS gives meaning to life. Look around you, the people who have accomplished much in life are those working towards specific goals. No one has ever achieved anything of substance without a well-defined goal. In order to live life to the fullest, you must have something that drives you, something that makes you get to the office before everybody else. Clearly define your purpose in life through the kind of goals that you set. Goals give meaning to life The true meaning to life is well understood only by those people who have well-defined goals, they are the people whom I can clearly say without fear of contradiction, that understand the true meaning of life. The true meaning of life is found in the kind of goals that we set for ourselves. Goals give you the zeal and enthusiasm to tak

Jalang’o and Kamene Goro takes the COVID-19 test, forcing the duo to do what they do best at KISS 100-morning show from home.

Jalang’o and Kamene Goro takes the COVID-19 test, forcing the duo to do what they do best at KISS 100-morning show from home. Jalang’o and Kamene live from home.   Barely three after celebrated media personality, Citizen TV news anchor and Hot 96 FM presenter Jeff Koinage tested positive for COVID-19, his colleagues from Radio Africa Group-owned KISS 100 presenters Jalang’o and Kamene Goro were on Wednesday morning forced to take the COVID-19 test, forcing its fans to enjoy the Wednesday Morning show as it aired from home. As Jalang’o and Kamene Goro awaits their COVID-19 test results, they may have to continue working from home for some time.   Earlier today, Wednesday morning in his popular Facebook page, Jalong’o Mwenyewe’ the celebrated comedian and KISS 100 presenter informed his friends and loyal fans that he, Jalang'o and his co-host Kamene Goro will be working from home to allow for the office to be sanitized and cleaned.    This is of course for the good


THE RIGHT INFLUENCE   Times are changing so fast, and we must adjust to the ever-changing times. The number one way to change your world is by changing your association.   Change the people you are around. The idea here is, if you want to change your thinking and eventually your life, make a decision now to start associating, in every aspect of your life, with people whom you admire, respect, and look up to.   Decide right now to associate yourself with people whom you enjoy being around and from whom you can learn and grow. The point here is to learn and grow.   When you surround yourself with the right people, you will never be frightened to take big risks.   Our ability to learn and grow is rooted in the relationships that we keep.   At our Workplaces, we must ensure that we socialize only with the big minds. The good news is that we know all these people. The question is, why then do we spend so much time with people who do not add any value to our lives.?


HOW TO BE YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND.   SELF-LOVE   Self-love is one very important part of a person's life. Let me add by saying, self-love should be a lifestyle and not a one-day affair.  Love yourself truly, love yourself unreservedly. You cannot love the other person if you don't love the person that you have become, and the reason here is simple, you can't give away what you don't have. You've got to have it first before you can give it. To be your own best friend you must love yourself unconditionally.   GIVE YOURSELF A PEP TALK   Ask yourself these two life-changing questions and give genuine answers to yourself. You know you can't lie to yourself.   What are my objectives?   Are these objectives in line with your passion?   Set daily, weekly, monthly, and annual objectives. Any person who loves him or herself should set high objectives. Remind yourself that you are a person of character. Look at yourself in the mirror and repeat these words to yourself. I am a


DO YOU NEED A BUSINESS IDEA? Here are some of the businesses you can start. A barbershop. Start small, learn from the Chinese proverb, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step .”   Have a bigger picture of where you are going. Start with just one employee, and take some time to learn the craft if you must maximize profits. Starting small does not mean you remain small. Landscaping and gardening Today we can learn so much from YouTube and Pinterest, nothing is stopping you from starting this kind of business. Not so many people like to get dirty. Although not an excuse. Who do you know that is already into this kind of business? Tv mounting Have seen just a handful of individuals that are into this kind of business. What you need to start to get going include, a Drill, tape measure, mounting brackets, rawl plugs, pencil, screwdriver, and stub detector. Market your services on social media platforms. Wallpaper fitting This is one business that any person who desires to do